Friday, July 18, 2008

Breakfast: 9:00 or so: bacon, egg, and cream cheese sandwich on a bun that I got at the farmer's market. Ohhhh the bacon is, too. It is excellent bacon. I made it before I went to work and it took little to no time, and was extremely cheap. Don't know why I buy breakfast most days.

Lunch was leftover subway. Since they do the 12" sammy for $5, I had a 6" sub left. I don't count this as eating out...

Dinner: I made beans and rice. I forgot to take a picture until it was almost gone. I make fantastic beans and rice, and it's easily one of the healthiest things you can eat and also the cheapest. Mine always turns out different, but in addition to the black beans and rice in this batch there is also cilantro, tomatoes, and peppers from my "garden" :) and also red onion, cumin, salt and pepper. I eat it with low fat sour cream. My sister and mom came over to meet my dog (see 17 bottles :), and so even though I made a ton, it's all gone now. I'll make more tonight to bring for lunch this next week!


Sig. said...

Nope, leftovers do not count as eating out. :) Good job on the cooking.

rakhi. said...

Okay, good. I was afraid there would be some tension on that point. ha.