Thursday, July 31, 2008

Erica's food, Texas Edition.

Breakfast, 7:15 am: We ate the free breakfast at the hotel. I tried to eat a bagel with cream cheese and a banana, but it was all kind of gross. So mostly I had apple juice.

Snack, 10:00: While driving to different fields we had string cheese and Cinnabon coffee in a can.

Lunch, 12:30: We went out with the crew we were working with to a bar/diner kind of place in a little town. Justin had beef bbq and I had the appetizer sampler. I got taquitos, fried mushrooms, and something called Texas toothpicks. These are jalapeƱos and onions sliced very thin and fried.

Dinner, 7:00: We wanted to eat Mexican food because we figured it would be better down there. All the Mexican restaurants were closed (was it a holiday?) and Justin was unwilling to visit one of the food stands across from the meat packing plant, but we found a bodega selling some dinner stuff to go. So I got a chili relleno and Justin got a chili rojo torta and some Coke with actual sugar instead of corn syrup. Very good and very inexpensive.

A very colorless day

Breakfast: 7 or 7:30
It was typical breakfast, no fruit, and I had a slice of cheese with it

Lunch 1: 11:30

Flatbread eaten before Toastmaster's

Lunch 2: 1

Tofu and some Chinese style pasta (can't remember the name)

Snack: 4 or something

A cookie and then string cheese. The last time I had only a cookie for a snack, I felt really depressed at the end of the day, due to the sugar rush, then the crash. I hoped to prevent that today and did.

Dinner or whatever: After 8
Two tequila sunrises, some fried calamari, and nachos at the Happy Hour