Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Breakfast Achieved

Breakfast: 6:45

This is my standard breakfast, egg whites on whole wheat toast.

Coffee/Snack: 8-9am

I had my banana at 9 since I had breakfast so early

Lunch: 12:00pm
[no picture available]
I had the catered lunch for the training I gave a presentation at and forgot my camera. I had about a cup of spanish rice, a cup of black beans, maybe a third of a cup of salsa, and a third of a cup of guacamole, all mixed together.

Snack: 3pm

I got a spinach salad with 1-2 tablespoons of honey mustard dressing and probably about an egg worth of boiled egg whites and yolks for my snack.

Snack: 6-8pm

I had about 5 or 6 pieces of this candy I got in Chinatown

Dinner: 8:30

Pictured are some cherry tomatoes that I did not end up eating. I had halibut and some smoked mozzarella pasta salad. It is very fatty, but also very satisfying. I'm pretty sure that this meal was too big. This is a full size plate.

1 comment:

E said...

I'm totally jealous of how well you eat. I picture my diet changing this way when I have a job :)