Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Erica's food.

I can't remember anything I ate Monday, except that I baked some peach streusel and we ate that.

Tuesday I woke up before my alarm and puked, and I don't really know why. So I ate a lot of tea and toast yesterday. Justin made some bbq chicken in our crock pot and I ate some of that too.

Today I had an English muffin with butter and sugar-free Instant Breakfast for breakfast. I forgot to eat lunch because I had to put my newly-hatched cutworms onto their diet. When I got home Justin had just finished making Manwich sammiches, so I had a sammich and a beer. I'll probably eat something else (maybe some ice cream) because I like to have a snack before bed. I have a hard time sleeping when I'm hungry.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

No photos today

Breakfast: 8am
I ran out of wheat bread, so I baked up a piece of the par-baked stuff I got from Trader Joe's (maybe about 2-3 servings of bread according to the package - 60 calories per serving, one carb exchange) and used that as my carbs. I also added a piece of cheese to the egg whites. It was delicious. I also finally had a banana.

Lunch: 11:50
My larger than normal breakfast was a good idea, since my insane day did not allow for a proper lunch. Instead, I grabbed two cookies from my apartment complex when I was paying rent and ate them in the car on the way back.

Snack: 4pm
My left-overs from the lunch yesterday, which included one of those rye/wheat roll things

Dinner: 8-9pm
The rest of that par-baked bread (3-4 servings) with some olive oil and balsalmic vinegar and a salmon roll I bought from Trader Joe's, stuffed with some kind of a crab meat based stuffing.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Celebrating 40 Years

Breakfast: Toast with egg whites, coffee

Lunch: My co-worker's 40th anniversary with the company lunch

A roll with butter, times 1.5

I had a prawn, a crab cake, and a little pile of calimari from this plate

I ate less than two thirds of this dish, taking the rest home for the snack later, or, as it turned out, the next day. I had about two thirds of a glass of chardonnay with the meal too. It was Seafood Risotto. This photo looks like the dish was small, it wasn't.

This was the creme brule that I didn't eat, since I forgot to photograph it before I started eating.

And no, she isn't making any retirement plans

Dinner: At the UU meeting, I had lots of celery, grape tomatoes, and some broccoli with that veggie dip, two mini scones, two lady fingers, and a piece of peach pie. I thought it was apple, and didn't want any, but I decided to have a piece when I learned it was peach. It isn't that I don't like apple pie, but I realized that having grown up with lots of apple things at home, anything apple just seems, well, too ordinary to me.
Erica's food, August 3rd.

Breakfast: English muffing with butter and a banana. Diet Pepsi Max.

Lunch/Dinner: I grazed all evening. Tomato and fresh mozzarella cheese salad sprinkled with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Justin made some hummus and we ate that with pita bread while we watched Mad Men. I ate some blueberry-flavored shredded wheat cereal with milk. Beer.