Thursday, July 31, 2008

Erica's food, Texas Edition.

Breakfast, 7:15 am: We ate the free breakfast at the hotel. I tried to eat a bagel with cream cheese and a banana, but it was all kind of gross. So mostly I had apple juice.

Snack, 10:00: While driving to different fields we had string cheese and Cinnabon coffee in a can.

Lunch, 12:30: We went out with the crew we were working with to a bar/diner kind of place in a little town. Justin had beef bbq and I had the appetizer sampler. I got taquitos, fried mushrooms, and something called Texas toothpicks. These are jalapeƱos and onions sliced very thin and fried.

Dinner, 7:00: We wanted to eat Mexican food because we figured it would be better down there. All the Mexican restaurants were closed (was it a holiday?) and Justin was unwilling to visit one of the food stands across from the meat packing plant, but we found a bodega selling some dinner stuff to go. So I got a chili relleno and Justin got a chili rojo torta and some Coke with actual sugar instead of corn syrup. Very good and very inexpensive.

A very colorless day

Breakfast: 7 or 7:30
It was typical breakfast, no fruit, and I had a slice of cheese with it

Lunch 1: 11:30

Flatbread eaten before Toastmaster's

Lunch 2: 1

Tofu and some Chinese style pasta (can't remember the name)

Snack: 4 or something

A cookie and then string cheese. The last time I had only a cookie for a snack, I felt really depressed at the end of the day, due to the sugar rush, then the crash. I hoped to prevent that today and did.

Dinner or whatever: After 8
Two tequila sunrises, some fried calamari, and nachos at the Happy Hour

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

New breakfast today

Breakfast: before 8am or something

egg white omelet with spinach and tomatoes on toast

Lunch: 11:30 or something

A falafel dish with lots o' hummus - soooo good

Snack: 3 or 4, whatever

The rest of the salad from the other day

Dinner: after 8, definitely

Lots and lots of salsas from Baja Fresh on top of some flouder stuffed with crab and I detected cheese, then a burrito salad - I definitely ate a lot today

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Erica's food, July 29.

Today we drove to Texas for collecting bugs. I always eat terribly when we travel.

Breakfast, 8:30: Grits with American cheese, Carnation Instant breakfast. The last time I was at the store I decided to get the instant breakfast with no sugar and extra fiber even though it is more expensive than the sugary kind.

Lunch: We went to the Dairy Queen in some forgettable town in Kansas. I got chicken strips, but they were so bad that I could only eat the fries.

Dinner: We stopped in Dodge City, Kansas (birthplace of Wyatt Earp!) and decided to look around briefly and sample the local cuisine. Well, the local cuisine of west Kansas consists of beef. So I had sirloin kabobs with grilled peppers and onions with a baked potato and side salad. After dinner we got the hell out of Dodge. I saved my dinner roll and ate it at some point in Oklahoma.

Snacks: Snacking is required in the car. We brought Cinnabon coffee beverages, string cheese, sasparilla soda (diet), gummi Lifesavers, and BBQ chips with us. Food that we don't eat at other times helps pass the time.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Erica's food, July 27th.

Breakfast: I had a piece of cake, which turned out to be awful so I didn't finish it. Instead I had instant grits with American cheese.

Lunch: Bucket of popcorn while seeing Mamma Mia. Terrible, I know.

Dinner: Green curry with tofu at a Thai restaurant.

Snack: Cookies'n'cream Hyvee brand icecream.

Later my cat dumped the cake on the floor and ate a bunch of it, negating my feeling of guilt for having to throw away most of a cake. I guess he likes avocado frosting.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Erica's food, July 26 2008.

I'm going to try to be better about posting.

Breakfast/Lunch, 12:30: Egg sammiches: homemade whitebread toast with butter, 2 fried eggs with 2 slices of American cheese. Glass of milk.

Dinner, 6:00: Lo mein Justin made. It contained Chinese noodles, yellow peppers, celery, shrimp, mushrooms, onion, and bean sprouts. Diet Pepsi Max.

Snack, 10:30: Some batter and frosting from making a birthday cake for myself. Just plain old white cake mix from a box because I wanted to try an avocado frosting recipe I saw on Good Eats. The frosting is pretty good and probably healthy, but if you don't like avocados it's probably not for you. Glass of milk.

Does anybody have an opinion on dairy? Is it good for me or is it evil? Because I tend to eat a lot of it. I like things like soy milk, but the particulate content makes my throat scratchy if I drink it regularly. Anyway, I prefer to bake with real dairy products.
Erica's food, July 25 2008.

Breakfast, 9:30: Carnation Instant Breakfast

Snack, 10:00-11:00: Dried mango strips, 2 fake Oreos, and coffee with fake creamer at Santiago's defense. He's Filipino and mangoes are his favorite crop.

Lunch, 1:30: Campbell's potato ham chowder, Diet Pepsi Max.

Dinner, ~7:00: Left over lasagna, Diet Pepsi Max.

Snack, ~10:00: I had a freeze pop but I was still hungry so I made a shake out of frozen mixed berries, milk, vanilla Instant Breakfast, and cream (since we didn't have any ice cream).

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Breakfast: again, typical, may have had a banana, may not

Lunch: left overs from the salad yesterday

Snack: unsure, I did have a mild gall bladder attack all afternoon though, that was fun. I don't know what it was from, maybe the eggplant?

Dinner: I had a night of random foods, olives, tarts, salmon, wine

I've been bad about posting...

...but I have been taking pictures of the things I've been eating. Because there are so many though, here are the highlights. I also effed up a few times recently, which you should berate me for.

I ate this for breakfast today. I wanted to try the new flavor of mcdonalds coffee, but they messed up and gave me hazelnut. It's good tho. And I heart bacon egg and cheese biscuits...although I only ate about half of it.

My friend came over one day for lunch. We made pistachio pesto with potatoes and noodles, and then a raspberry salad with a apple cider vinaigrette, that I added lemon zest to. It was a delicious, healthy lunch.

At work one day I got a burger at my this burger place in the skyway. The burger's there are good and the fries are fantastic.

One day I had tamales for dinner. I bought a package that were prepared and frozen from the downtown farmer's market. They are good, but not the best tamales I've ever had.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Someday soon, I'll post my food

For tonight, I want to point out a blog that my nutritionist sent me

Dieting & Weight Loss Blog

Back to Work

Breakfast: typical, don't remember if I had a banana

Lunch: Salad, with egg, eggplant, tomatoes, and some other stuff. I think I had some romaine or spring greens with the spinach. My nutritionist told me that spinach has some acid in it that isn't great in high quantities, so I should buffer it with other greens, and dark greens are good. I also had flat bread. I ate about half the salad and saved the rest for my snack, that turned out to be lunch the next day.

Snack: I forgot the snack today

Dinner: A diablo shrimp burrito and chips and salsa from Baja Fresh. Fun fact: while in a waiting room, I was reading some celebrity gossip mag and learned that on the day he and Jennifer Lopez were to be married, Ben Afleck ate at a Baja Fresh in SoCal.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Day Off Work, for reals

Breakfast: typical plus low-fat cheese and another slice of bread - I was off to a personal training appointment that morning

Lunch: At Trader Joe's yesterday, I had the most amazing sample ever. It was lemon pepper pasta with tuna and capers. I made that for myself for lunch around 1 and had a glass of chardonnay [not pictured].

Dinner [Evening eating]: I went to a Unitarian meeting in Livermore and had two brownies, two mini-scones, two italian sodas, and some popcorn [not pictured]

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Damn, I walked at LEAST 6 miles today, maybe 7 or 8

Breakfast: 10am

A massive iced coffee and a bagel with egg and cheese - tons of high fructose corn syrup, I'm sure.

Snack: The first checkpoint, before Mile 3

A very tasty granola bar they had for the walkers

Snack: The second checkpoint, before Mile 4

They were offering potato chips and some other unhealthy things too, which was weird to me. This wasn't the best thing either, but it was tasty.

Snack: somewhere between Mile 4 and the Weed Band

Another granola bar

Lunch: 2:30ish

I had a sandwich with three slices of cheese, mustard, tomatoes and pickles

Dinner: 8:30

I had a banana and some canned salmon. There isn't a pic yet because I haven't eaten it, I wanted to post this first and then I need to upload my AIDS Walk pics. I wasn't sure if I wanted to even have dinner, but I figured it would be better to eat something, because I am sure I'd be hungry later.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Breakfast: A spinach, feta, egg, tomato wrap from the Starbucks near Civic Center. It was in a whole wheat wrap, and not too big. I didn't have time to have a breakfast before I left the house and wanted to eat something before being at a museum for a few hours. It isn't pictured.

Snack: I had a Chinese doughnut while looking for a dim sum place, this was around 3 or something

Lunch: Dim Sum around 3 or something. Not pictured are the two shrimp dumplings [steamed dough around shrimp, basically], I also only had about half of the broccoli and the other shrimp dumpling thingers

Evening eating: Grapes I picked up at Trader Joe's on the way home

Breakfast: oatmeal. takes 1.5 minutes in the microwave. I don't get the instant oatmeal shit 'cause it's not as healthy, and you can cook regular oatmeal just as fast.

Lunch: leftover grilled steak that my sister's boyfriend prepared. Awesome. Blue cheese and slightly grilled onions on top.

Dinner: no one will know what this is, but whatever. Rice with miniature shrimp-stuffed bittermelon. It's a Guyanese thing. My mom made a bunch of these back in the day for me, and they've just been sitting in my freezer because I eat out all the time. So I defrosted it and made rice in the rice cooker.

Snack before bed that appeased the foodie in me: I ate Tete de Moin - a cheese from Switzerland, and compared two types of proscuitto - Di Parma from Italy and Jamon Iberico from Spain. The Jamon Iberico is pretty expensive ($75/lb) and the Di Parma is cheap ($14/lb), so I wanted to compare. Apparently to make the Jamon Iberico they only allow the hog to eat this particular type of acorn. The Jamon Iberico was definitely the better of the two, but I couldn't tell if it was because of the way the meat was cured, or because of the taste of the meat itself. I will continue my assessment :) I also had a little extra old Beemster which is currently my favorite type of cheese, and a large glass of Ledson Winery Red Zin that I got on my visit with Urs. It was an excellent before-bed snack. Not healthy my any means, but lovely. I also shared some of the prosciutto with Mika, the new doggie. She loves it :)

Friday, July 18, 2008

I never really call myself a vegetarian anymore, I always use qualifiers

Breakfast: Typical minus banana, probably.


This was the same container, I just wanted to show the tomatoes under the pasta and tofu.

Snack: Banana

Boozin': A Tokyo Tea (and the worst I've had so far, even worse considering the price) and a Tequila Sunrise


Yes, that is a hot dog, I was at the club, they were selling hot dogs, I was [bleep]ing hungry, so I bought it. It was delicious.
Breakfast: 9:00 or so: bacon, egg, and cream cheese sandwich on a bun that I got at the farmer's market. Ohhhh the bacon is, too. It is excellent bacon. I made it before I went to work and it took little to no time, and was extremely cheap. Don't know why I buy breakfast most days.

Lunch was leftover subway. Since they do the 12" sammy for $5, I had a 6" sub left. I don't count this as eating out...

Dinner: I made beans and rice. I forgot to take a picture until it was almost gone. I make fantastic beans and rice, and it's easily one of the healthiest things you can eat and also the cheapest. Mine always turns out different, but in addition to the black beans and rice in this batch there is also cilantro, tomatoes, and peppers from my "garden" :) and also red onion, cumin, salt and pepper. I eat it with low fat sour cream. My sister and mom came over to meet my dog (see 17 bottles :), and so even though I made a ton, it's all gone now. I'll make more tonight to bring for lunch this next week!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bounce Back!

Breakfast: 7am

No banana today, instead, a glass of orange juice. I also only had one creamer in my coffee, it wasn't half bad.

Lunch: 11:30am

This is the same container, but I had the tofu first, then I had cherry tomatoes with feta mixed with a cous cous salad.

Snack: 3pm

I had about 5 strawberries at an ice cream social for a new employee network at work.

Snack: 5pm

I had a piece of string cheese

Snack: 7:30

On the way back from my workout, I stumbled across some fresh escargot on the sidewalk.

Dinner: 9pm

At the happy hour, I had some of these nachos and a piece of this quesadilla. I picked off the chicken.

Snack/Late Night: 10:30pm

I had two cups of orange juice.